Yantai Junbang Mineral Processing Materials Co., Ltd.



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Yantai Junbang Mineral Processing Materials Co., Ltd.
Landline: 400-835-6006
Mobile: 18863889588
Contact: Yang Zong
Postal code: 264000
E-mail: 13605458130@163.com
Address: South of Xiangshan Road, East of Changjiang Road, Laiyang Economic Development Zone


Method for determination of butyl ammonium black drug

Butylammonium black drug is a relatively good collector and foaming agent. The determination of the presence of butylammonium black drug has an important effect on the study of its use effect. At present, the determination methods of butylammonium black drug mainly include the following : UV spectrophotometry, ferrous iron color development - visible light spectrophotometry, copper reagent color development - visible light spectrophotometry.

1. Ultraviolet spectrophotometry

Prepare a certain concentration of butyl ammonium black drug solution, pour it into a 1cm cuvette, and use an ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer to scan the absorption spectrum in the wavelength range of 200~280nm to determine the peak and waveform consistency. The absorbance at the peak position was measured.

2, ferrous iron color development - visible light spectrophotometry

Take 10 ml of known concentration of butyl ammonium black drug and 2 ml of ferrous solution into 125 ml separatory funnel, add 15 ml of extractant, shake for 10 min and let stand for more than half an hour;

Remove the organic phase and pour into a 1 cm cuvette;

The absorbance of the absorption peak position was measured by an ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer in the wavelength range of 380-600 nm, and the absorption spectrum was scanned to determine the peak and waveform consistency.

Method for determination of butylammonium black drug

3, copper reagent color development - visible spectrophotometry

Add 10 ml of a known concentration of butyl ammonium black drug solution into a 125 ml separatory funnel, and then continue to add 3 ml of copper sulfate solution, 10 ml of buffer solution, add distilled water to replenish the solution volume, and then add 10 ml of toluene;

After shaking for two minutes, the aqueous phase was drained and washed with 10 ml of distilled water in 10 ml of buffer;

After washing twice, 1.0 ml of copper reagent was added to the organic phase in the separatory funnel, shaken, left to stand for 1 min, the aqueous phase was drained, the organic phase was taken out, and 2 g of anhydrous sodium sulfate was added to the organic phase.

The method for determining the butyl ammonium black drug is mainly explained in the above content. In the process of detection, the operation sequence should be prepared, and the safety protection measures should be taken well. If the butyl ammonium black drug leaks, it should be treated in time to avoid causing greater damage. Pollution.